Monday, September 15, 2008

Alan and Joss 9/15/2008

A quickie father and son shoot for a friend. Alan plans to give a couple of these to his wife for her birthday. UPDATE: she saw them and cried! Mission accomplished!

Joss was the best kid model so far. I think the older they are, the better they are. As the shoot exceeded the 10 min mark, Joss decided to let us know that he would rather eat a hot dog and french fries than to have his picture taken. Who can blame him? More from this shoot here.


Missy said...

Very superhero-y, but you need to fix the haloes around them! Other than that I like your lighting and processing.

Shane said...

Yeah, I don't know if I will fix the halo or not. I know it's bad ju ju in the photography world, but I kinda like it... for now anyways.