Sunday, September 21, 2008

Supra Smackdown!

Tonight Korey and I shot a Toyota Supra. The dark blue car ate up all the light we could throw at it and our daylight ran out a lot faster than normal. This car was pure evil. After 66 shots, I had ONE... only one... that was decent. This is it. I am tired now, and just want to go to bed. Our rematch with this car is on Wednesday... let's see who takes the prize then!


Missy said...

Can't go wrong with a supra, even if it is sucking in all the light. Maybe some big reflectors behind the car? I don't know, I haven't messed with strobes really so I'm just guessing here.

Shane said...

I think the key is going to be to have enough ambient light to see the car in the first place! lol We took too long to set up and it bit us in the ass for sure :-(